Hi everyone 👋, I'm Thösam

I am a software engineer, creator and student living in Switzerland.

I go to EPFL where I study computer science. My personal website is where I showcase my projects, writing, statistics, experience, and more. Feel free to reach out via email or any social media. or subscribe to my newsletter !

I come from a Tibetan family and grew up in Lausanne/Prilly in Switzerland.

I have a passion for everything related to science since I was a little kid.

I used to watch documentaries about dinosaurs when I was 6-7 and by seeing graphics of dinausors walking in forests, I decided to become a paleontologist and create Jurassic Park.
Then the second obsession of mine was neurosurgeon, I've heard somewhere that the hardest job in medicine was neurosurgeon.
Then the third obsession of mine came when I finished watching the first season of Sword Art Online. Basically in this anime, we can immerse ourselves in a virtual world where we can feel pain and do everything we do in the real world. I thought that if I go into neuroscience, maybe one day, I will be able to create a full immersive experience of the real world, where we would just lay down on a bed and be able to run, jump, and battle with swords.
Now many things in life led me to think more deeply about the human nature and the meaning of life. After studying Buddhism, I realized how little I knew about myself and how ignorant I were spiritually and philosophically. Currently I am striving to become a great software engineer that can help solve world issues and make this world a better place for all living creatures. In my spiritual journey, I will put a few updates that you can find here on my blog page.

me :)

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